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Scotland aims to ensure children do not have to give evidence in court
Children should not have to give evidence in court. The Scottish Government has committed to exploring…
Working together in the best interests of the child – webinar
Discussions on the formal agreements and the daily work of multidisciplinary interagency cooperation.
Facility Dogs Assisting at Barnahus and similar setups – webinar
Children are naturally drawn to animals, and child-friendly services which use facility dogs report that the…
Working together in the best interests of the child
Working together in the best interests of the child: discussions on the formal agreements and the…
Hungarian Barnahus Act came into force 1 Jan 2019
On 1st January 2019, the Barnahus Act came into force in Hungary. It establishes public funding…
Latvia resumes Barnahus pilot in 2019 with a focus on pre-investigation interviews
The Barnahus model was piloted in Riga, Latvia at Center Dardedze for six months during 2017…
Poland has 4 Barnahus in operation, supported by a national network
The Polish Barnahus form a network coordinated by the Empowering Children Foundation. Two Barnahus are operated…
Legal framework around hearing the child in court under review in Romania
Following the October 2018 national roundtable, Save the Children Romania started to meet monthly with the…
“Barnahus is here to stay” in Estonia
Estonian efforts to spread awareness about the value and importance of the Barnahus is paying off,…
Improvements to the National Coordination Mechanism are under consideration in Bulgaria
Work is underway to improve the Bulgarian National Coordination Mechanism for cases of child victims or…
Catalonia, Spain, announces Barnahus will open 2019
Save the Children Catalonia, which has been advocating for this move, recently held a conference of…