The multidisciplinary team

Professionals from the different disciplines collaborate to keep the child in the centre of everything they do, and to provide a carefully balanced intervention that responds to the needs of each child.

Child Protection

Barnahus contributes to the assessment of protection needs and supports follow-up concerning the child victim and siblings in the family.

The Barnahus Quality Standards puts forth the following guidance on the role and specialisation of child protection at the Barnahus:

  • 1.2 Right to be heard and receive information
  • 3 Inclusive target group
  • 4 Child-friendly environment
  • 5 Interagency case management
  • 8 Therapeutic services
  • 9 Capacity building

Watch our webinar and read the report on considerations for when criminal justice proceedings intersect with child protection proceedings to learn more.

Criminal Justice

The criminal investigation in Barnahus, including the forensic interview, respects the procedural safeguards of both the child and the defendant. 

A child-friendly forensic interview is carried out according to an evidence-based protocol by a specialised forensic interviewer to secure the best possible evidence and to protect the child from (re)traumatisation.

The interview is recorded and represents admissible evidence in court.

The Barnahus Quality Standards puts forth the following guidance on the role and specialisation of criminal justice at the Barnahus:

  • 1.2 Right to be heard and receive information
  • 1.3 Undue delay 
  • 2 Multidisciplinary interagency cooperation 
  • 3 Inclusive target group 
  • 4 Child-friendly environment
  • 5 Interagency case management
  • 6 Forensic interview
  • 9 Capacity building

Watch our webinar mini-series on forensic interviews to learn more.

Physical Health

A child-friendly medical evaluation is carried out by specialised and highly competent staff both for forensic investigative purposes and to ensure the child’s physical well-being and recovery by the appropriate remedy.

The Barnahus Quality Standards puts forth the following guidance on the role and specialisation of medical examinations and treatment at Barnahus:

  • 1.2 Right to be heard and receive information
  • 1.3 Undue delay 
  • 2 Multidisciplinary interagency collaboration
  • 3 Inclusive target group
  • 4 Child-friendly environment
  • 5 Interagency case management
  • 7 Medical examination
  • 9 Capacity building

Watch our webinar mini-series about physical health in Barnahus to learn more.

Mental Health

All children are offered a mental health assessment and appropriate support by specialised and highly competent staff, including crisis support, short and long-term therapeutic services addressing the trauma of the child and non-offending family members and caretakers.

The Barnahus Quality Standards puts forth the following guidance on the role and specialisation of mental wellbeing assessments and treatment at the Barnahus:

  • 1.2 Right to be heard and receive information
  • 3 Inclusive target group
  • 4 Child-friendly environment
  • 5 Interagency case management
  • 8 Therapeutic services
  • 9 Capacity building

Watch our webinar mini-series on therapeutic support to learn more.

The Multidisciplinary Foundation

All Barnahus implement multidisciplinary and interagency interventions, organised under one roof in a child-friendly setting, placing the best interests of the child at the centre.

Each child is offered a balanced multidisciplinary, professional and child-friendly intervention, managed through joint case management and review.

Barnahus includes child protection, criminal investigation, physical health and mental health professionals who collaborate in a multidisciplinary and interagency setting.

Watch this webinar with The Lighthouse in London to learn how their team works together in the bests interests of each child who visits their service.

The Barnahus Quality Standards puts forth the following guidance on the role and specialisation of multidisciplinary work at the Barnahus:

  • 1.1 Best interests
  • 2 Multidisciplinary interagency collaboration
  • 5 Interagency case management
  • 9 Capacity building
  • 10 Prevention