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Lind Haldorsson

Secretary General

olivia.lind.haldorsson AT

Olivia Lind Haldorsson is a children’s rights advocate who has been working in the field of children’s rights and child protection for more than 20 years.

Olivia currently holds the position as Senior Adviser and Head of the Children at Risk Unit at the Council of Baltic Sea States Secretariat ( In 2014 she co-founded ‘Child Circle’, a Brussels-based NGO focusing on strengthening national child protection systems.

Olivia has played a central role in a series of projects called PROMISE, which promoted the establishment of Barnahus and excellence in practice to hear, assist and support child victims and witnesses of violence. These projects were the foundation for the Barnahus Network.

Olivia is the author of the Barnahus Quality Standards and other practical tools to support Barnahus.

She has also worked as an independent expert with a wide range of stakeholders on strategic advocacy initiatives and regional projects in the field of children’s rights and child protection. Prior to that she worked with Save the Children International EU Office.

von Blixen-Finecke

Deputy Secretary General

shawnna.von.blixen AT

Shawnna has extensive knowledge of how Barnahus has been adapted in different national contexts, and plays a leading role in coordinating and providing advice through bilateral and network exchange. She has played a central role in developing and coordinating training in the context of the PROMISE projects and the Barnahus Network. Shawnna is furthermore an experienced project manager.

With a background in communications, Shawnna previously worked for the U.S. State Department and the European Union, and holds a master’s in political science from Uppsala University.

Steering Group

Andrej Del Fabro


Representing the Ministry of Justice, Republic of Slovenia

Anna Petersson


Representing Barnahus Linköping, Sweden

Aoife O’Malley


Representing Tusla, Ireland

Dr. Briony Arrowsmith


Representing The Havens, England

Liisa Järvilehto


Representing Institute of Health and Welfare, Finland

Maria Keller-Hamela


Representing the Empowering Children Foundation, Poland

Olivia Lind Haldorsson


Representing the Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat

Rebecca O’Donnell

Legal adviser

Representing Child Circle, Belgium

+46 76 250 4226

Organisation number:

Mailing address:
Banérgatan 12 B
752 37 Uppsala

Press contact

svb AT
+46 76 250 4226