Where to start
The path to adapting Barnahus to each location is unique. These are the key phases of development, and how the Barnahus Network can help.
Step 1 – Getting to yes
All actions to promote progress towards Barnahus start with taking stock — determining where you are in the process of establishing and operating a Barnahus and what change needs to happen next.
The Barnahus Network supports countries in promoting a national understanding and commitment to Barnahus, including through exchange and dialogue between relevant agencies in your country. We can also help develop a national strategy to establish Barnahus that practice according to the Barnahus Quality Standards.
Drawing on our studies, resources, and the experience from across Europe, we look together at your specific context, including for example:
- What are the main factors and dynamics that enable the establishment of Barnahus or a comparable approach in your country?
- What challenges or obstacles exist and how can they be overcome?
- What action should you be taking to promote progress towards establishing Barnahus in your country?
- What opportunities and resources for advocacy exist?
Step 2 – Creating an enabling environment
Barnahus is not an island isolated from the context in which it is established. It is, and should be, adapted to the legal, socio-economic and cultural context that it operates in.
The Barnahus Network supports countries in working towards an enabling environment that ensures the smooth running of Barnahus that are fully integrated in, and are contributing to, child-friendly national justice and child protection systems.
Drawing on our studies, resources and the experience of Barnahus from across Europe, we look together at factors that can contribute to an enabling environment for Barnahus in your country.
We explore and develop strategies to ensure that Barnahus plays an integral role in ensuring child-friendly justice and child protection:
- Aware and supportive societies
- Law and Policy
- National procedures for criminal investigation, the judicial process, child protection and interagency collaboration
- Sustainable Resources
- Interagency commitment
Step 3 – Establishing the Barnahus
The setup and operation these highly specialised services can be more complex and nuanced than it might seem at a first glance.
The establishment phase often includes many technical and logistical considerations. These questions might include location, renovations, budgets, what physical rooms should—and shouldn’t—contain, the technical systems that support child welfare and criminal processes, and more.
The Barnahus Network supports countries in answering these technical questions, including through:
- Real-life examples of how others have budgeted, consulted with children, set up their facilities, and more
- Factsheets and other technical guidance
- Specialised training modules, including tailor-made training upon request
- Small group and 1-to-1 mentoring and networking opportunities
- Study visits for professionals and policymakers
Step 4 – Competent and committed staff
A competent, specialised and committed workforce is at the heart of Barnahus. It is a central aspect of our Vision and the Barnahus Quality Standards.
The Barnahus Network offers training covering a wide range of competencies and topics. Combined with peer support, expert consultations and the Network’s support desk, we offer a broad range of educational activities for staff and teams in Barnahus across all disciplines, including:
- Certified training
- External supervision, mentorship, supervision
- Multidisciplinary and interagency teams
- Building a participatory environment in Barnahus
- Law, proceedings and legal professions in Barnahus
- Study visits for professionals
Step 5 – Excellence in practice
Barnahus is recognised as a leading child-friendly, multidisciplinary approach for child victims and witnesses of violence.
Barnahus is flexible and is adapted to many different national contexts.
However, in order to practice as a Barnahus, there are foundational criteria and standards that should guide the setup and practice in all countries.
Guided by the Barnahus Quality Standards and the experience of Barnahus, we promote excellence in practice.
Our experts help Barnahus develop their practice so that it is adapted to your context and in line with international and national law, policy and guidance, including the Barnahus Quality Standards, including through:
- How to set up a Barnahus – organisation, architecture and environment
- Multidisciplinary interagency (MDIA) teams procedures and checklists
- Case management – the Promise Hub
- Recording of evidence – technical
- Building a participatory environment in Barnahus
- Practical tools and checklists
- Quality control, monitoring and evaluation