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Barnahus Linköping trains Cyprus on therapy models for cases of child abuse
On 5-6 December 2018, Hope for Children organised a training featuring Helena Asplund Carlqvist, Psychologist and…
Roundtable in West Hungary engaged police officers, prosecutors and judges about interviews at the Barnahus
Maria Gorosh, Swedish police, and Alda Hronn Johansdottir, a prosecutor from Iceland, held a one-hour lecture…
Hungary inaugurates Barnahus Goodwill Ambassador Tímea Nagy
In 2018, Hungary introduced the Goodwill Ambassador of the Barnahus to the public. Ms Tímea Nagy…
Latvian police and psychologists receive training from Icelandic experts on forensic interviews
On 7-9 November 2018, Margrét Kristín Magnúsdóttir and Paola Cardenas from Barnahus Iceland trained Latvian participants…
Latvia develops recommendations, examines the Icelandic experience with exploratory interviews at the Barnahus
Key experts will draft the recommendations, which are developed as part of PROMISE 2 and will…
Ireland announces a “One House” centre will open in 2019
The ‘One House’ model, which will be rolled out in early 2019, was announced by Minister…
Professionals in Cyprus trained by UK experts on a medical evaluation
The aim of the training was to analyse and shape the optimal forensic medical examination and…
UK and Estonian experts deliver joint training on medical evaluation of child victims of violence
A 2-day medical evaluation training was held in Tallinn, Estonia on 8-9 October 2018. The topics…
Introducing the new Barnahus around Europe
The PROMISE partnership extends its warmest congratulations to the recent and upcoming openings of new Barnahus…
Romanian national roundtable focuses on the legal aspects surrounding child abuse cases
Apart from sharing experience and building competencies, the roundtable supported the establishment of a partnership between…
Barnahus in the news – Fall 2018
Barnahus Tartu, Estonia opened on 26 September. This is the second service in Estonia, which was…
Barnahus as the standard practice
How did the PROMISE partners and experts get here so quickly? Simply: Inspiration and enthusiasm.