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Medical evaluation: webinar mini-series on why, how, and diagnostics
This webinar mini-series explores the many considerations for meeting the medical evaluation criteria for Barnahus.
Therapeutic services webinar mini-series
A mini-series looking at the concrete value of embedding therapeutic services at the Barnahus, how to…
Forensic interview: webinar series on why, how, and adaptations
This webinar mini-series presents the importance of a forensic interview for child victims and witnesses of…
Introducing the founding members of the Network
The founding members of the PROMISE Barnahus Network have made a notable impact on the spread…
Ireland launches first Barnahus, Onehouse Galway
The official launch of Barnahus, Onehouse Galway took place 16 September 2019. The Barnahus, Onehouse Galway…
Podcast: The Lighthouse
In this podcast episode the host is joined by two members of the Lighthouse team: Emma…
PROMISE 3 and Network – open call for partners and founding members
Editors note: In early 2019 we launched an open call for PROMISE 3 partners saught those…
Gordana Flander receives Children’s Rights Promotion Lifetime Achievement Award
Gordana, one of our key resources in the PROMISE Project and the European Barnahus Movement has…
Slovenia adopts a declaration on the creation of a Children’s House for child victims of sexual abuse
On signing and adopting this Declaration, Slovenia has joined the club of the Council of Europe…
Lithuanian MD/IA centre provides temporary accommodation, trains 1000+ specialists in identifying sexual abuse among children
The Centre is unique among the European Barnahus and similar setups, in that it has 10…