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General assembly 2022 adopts fundraising procedure, requests guidance on scaling up
Members agreed on the need for exchange, research, and guidance on scaling up Barnahus nationally. In…
CFTSI – Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention
A brief early intervention model for children and adolescents that helps to reduce therapy waitlists.
Mapping of forensic medical interventions at Barnahus across Europe
Announcing the results of a 2020 mapping of forensic medical interventions at Barnahus across Europe. Read…
NEW! Guidance and toolkit from the UK
A goldmine of resources tucked into a 200+ page interactive PDF, a guidance supporting the journey…
Slovenian Presidency of the EU notes Barnahus progress supporting child-friendly justice
The agenda of an informal meeting of EU Justice Ministers included a point on child-friendly justice,…
In R.B. v. Estonia, ECtHR calls for less strict procedural rules for children’s testimony
The ECtHR significant flaws in the Estonian procedure, as it did not sufficiently take into account…
Network updates June 2021
During this period, the Network has been building partnerships and applying for funding, and a number…
Mapping results 2020
To support the ‘knowledge’ piece of the puzzle, in 2020 we mapped the practice in Europe.…
Letter from the President – February 2021
With the growth of our European and global network, we expand our circle of influence towards…
Network training supports members’ response to COVID-19
These additional trainees were brought on staff support the response to increased demand on Barnahus Iceland…
- – home of the network, and an authoritative resource
In establishing, the Network has claimed a strategic piece of the internet, and assumed a…