About the app
The Journeys app has been created to assist children in their journey through Barnahus. It aims to ensure that the child has all the information throughout their Barnahus journey.
The primary target group/user of the app is children.
There are two secondary target groups:
- Caregivers may benefit from the information and functions in the app, and can also play a role in supervising and guiding their child when using the app, if appropriate.
- Professionals can use the app to structure information sharing about Barnahus and engage in dialogue with the child. As such, it can serve as a tool for the child liaison in guiding children through their journey in Barnahus.
Features include:
- An interactive tour of Barnahus
- A walk through of the journey through your Barnahus, personalised for your location and even each individual child’s journey
- A breath-based meditation game
The app is available in English and Swedish, and can be translated to your language and tailored to how your location looks and works.
The Journeys app was developed by the Council of the Baltic Sea States with EU co-funding as part of the PROMISE Journeys project.
Evaluate the app
Implement the app

The above has produced with co-funding from European Union. The contents herein are the sole responsibility of the respective project partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.