Training and support for Barnahus from EEA Norway grants for Bulgaria
Ensuring the rights of child victims of violence to justice, protection, and recovery in Bulgaria by…
Press review – December 2020
Where we highlight media mentions about Barnahus and similar setups around the world.
Enabling Child-Sensitive Justice – the success story of Barnahus in Europe
An overview of how Barnahus emerged and gradually expanded.
Therapeutic services webinar mini-series
A mini-series looking at the concrete value of embedding therapeutic services at the Barnahus, how to…
Introducing the founding members of the Network
The founding members of the PROMISE Barnahus Network have made a notable impact on the spread…
Book: Collaborating Against Child Abuse – Exploring the Nordic Barnahus Model
We recommend reading this book, free to download at this link, which was published 2017 by…