Criminal investigation
Forensic interview with avatar practice
This course offers basic training and practice in child forensic interviews in Barnahus and similar settings.
At the Crossroads of child-centred criminal and welfare proceedings
A legal briefing exploring the considerations for when criminal justice proceedings intersect with child protection proceedings…
NEW! Guidance and toolkit from the UK
A goldmine of resources tucked into a 200+ page interactive PDF, a guidance supporting the journey…
Judicial workshops
Providing opportunities for judges to meet in person with their peers and other practitioners to hear…
Forensic interview: webinar series on why, how, and adaptations
This webinar mini-series presents the importance of a forensic interview for child victims and witnesses of…
Scotland aims to ensure children do not have to give evidence in court
Children should not have to give evidence in court. The Scottish Government has committed to exploring…
Roundtable in West Hungary engaged police officers, prosecutors and judges about interviews at the Barnahus
Maria Gorosh, Swedish police, and Alda Hronn Johansdottir, a prosecutor from Iceland, held a one-hour lecture…
Roundtables in Latvia develop questionnaire on procedures in cases where criminal proceedings are not initiated
As a result of the roundtable, a questionnaire was created for social services to use for…