
New membership applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Table of Contents

    Key documents

    About the network

    Applying for membership

    The Barnahus Network is a member-led organisation that works to harmonise and consolidate good Barnahus practice across Europe, and does so in support of and consultation with a competent and committed Barnahus workforce across Europe and an established peer-to-peer network.

    What we do

    We support members to:

    • Improve practice by having access to training, mentorship and practical tools, including University certified training in forensic interviews and therapy
    • Gain recognition, and in the longer-term accreditation, for excellence in practice by having access to training, support, mentoring and tools to benchmark progress to practicing in line with the Barnahus standards
    • Share expertise and learning and helping shape the European Barnahus Movement by having access to a broad network which actively engages in exchange and mutual learning
    • Extend outreach and visibility by being part of a broad professional network, visibility in European social media and opportunities to meet other professionals from across Europe
    • Explore funding opportunities by offering access to expertise and reliant partnerships

    Members have access to …

    Support when and where you need it

    • Support desk services, connecting members to exclusive, needs-based exchange and support opportunities internationally;
    • Exchange and mutual support, including through the network’s exclusive Professional Networking and Exchange platform for subject-matter specific topics and emerging issues that have an impact on the daily work in Barnahus.

    Training and targeted support

    • Priority access in trainings, study visits, conference participation, and other formats of courses and support;
    • In-house, tailor-made, and self-training, provided by the Competence Centre at the Barnahus Network;
    • The availability of Network representatives to join projects as partners or external experts to give specialised support;
    • Trainings are free or subsidised for members, when possible;

    Practical tools and resources

    • Regular publication of tools, resources and guidance based on member requests and consultations;
    • Data collection, evaluation and research to monitor impact.

    Visibility on the national and international levels

    • The availability of Network representatives to speak at conferences and in courses;
    • Being part of a known and respected actor promoting Barnahus and similar setups;
    • Being known for putting your country on the Barnahus map.

    Who can become a member

    Our membership categories welcome not only operating Barnahus, but other actors who have a role in supporting the set-up or operation such services.

    Applicants do not need to already meet all of the Barnahus Quality Standards, but they must be committed to working to progressively meet the Standards.

    We seek services, organisations and individuals who fully embrace multidisciplinary and interagency collaboration, promoting involvement and exchange from all relevant and interested sectors.

    This diversity in membership ensures broad representation of interests and a rich exchange of experience and practice. Each member brings important experience and knowledge which enhances the Network’s ability to undertake its mission, and brings us closer to realising our vision. 

    What it means to be a member

    Members of the Network share a vision of a Europe where the human rights of children to protection from violence, to support, and to be heard are fulfilled.

    Members also share a mission to promote and support the establishment and operation of evidence-based, comprehensive, child-friendly interventions and rapid access to justice and care, based on the following main principles:

    • Respect for the participatory rights of the child by ensuring that she/he is heard and receives adequate information and support to exercise these rights;
    • Multidisciplinary and interagency collaboration during investigations, procedures, diagnostic and needs assessments and service delivery, with the aim of avoiding re-traumatisation and securing outcomes that are in the best interests of the child;
    • Evidence-based, comprehensive and accessible services that meet the individual and complex needs of the child and her/his non-offending family or caregivers;
    • High professional standards, training and adequate resources for staff working with child witnesses and victims of violence.

    As a Network, members work together to facilitate activities that increase the members’ positive impact on the lives of child victims and witnesses of violence and their families at national and European level.

    What members are saying

    “I would like to join my colleague in expressing our gratitude for our meeting and the enormous resources you have shared. The information allows us to ask more specific questions and organize our plans to be more relevant to our context.“

    “I am so impressed by the work you’ve done. I wish someone had done this thorough work before the start of Barnahus in our country.”

    “I want to thank you for all the support that you have given us this year in our dream of bringing Barnahus to our country. We are really looking forward to working with others to progress the participation work within our Barnahus development work and to working with the European network in our efforts to shape complex, multisystem change through Barnahus!”

    “There will be a new option in law to (…). This is the result of our important cooperation by the way.”

    “I’m incredibly grateful for the ongoing support we’re receiving through the Barnahus Network—being part of it is rewarding in so many meaningful ways.”

    “We appreciate very much the support and assistance that we receive from the Network in our Barnahus journey. We are very much looking forward to continue our cooperation. The professionals working at Barnahus would benefit very much from the possibility to be able to acquire all the important information about the recent developments, to be able to attend international trainings, share experience with other members of the Network. “

    Membership fees

    Fees are paid based on the calendar year. See the chart below for more information.

    Membership levelAnnual Barnahus-related income in EuroAnnual Fee in Euro, calendar year
    Member-100 000300
    100 001- 500 000500
    500 001 – 1000 0001000
    1000 001 – 2000 0001500
    2000 001 – 3000 0002000
    3000 001 – 4000 0002500
    4000 001 – 5000 0003000
    5000 001 –5000
    SponsorsThe financial or in-kind contribution from sponsors to the Network is agreed upon in a dialogue with the Secretariat
    Supporters (including observers)Financial or in-kind contribution of supporters to the Network is encouraged but not required.


    How do I apply?

    See the applicant checklist.

    We’d like to include the Network in a project application but the deadline is too short to become a member first. Advice?

    Because working on a project application gives us a lot of information about your organisation and your mission, and because project deadlines are strict, we are happy to work with you to plan our support for a project before you become a member of the Network.

    In working with you to develop our role a partner or contractor, we with either 1. Get a clear sense that you fit as a member, and then our advice to the membership committee on your application will be well received, or 2. We’ll discover that you wouldn’t quite fit as a member, and then we’ll let you know as soon as possible that we won’t be able to support the project.

    We expect to receive your membership application soon after you submit a project that includes the Network as a partner or contractor.

    Does our membership mean we are endorsed as a Barnahus, that we are meeting the Barnahus Quality Standards?

    Membership approval is not an endorsement of how any given organization is working. Rather, it provides a framework for the Network and the member organization to work together to fulfil the Vision and to promote the Barnahus Quality Standards. We approve members that fulfil the criteria for our different membership categories, to establish a fruitful collaboration to promote the Barnahus, to make progress towards meeting the Barnahus Quality Standards, also from whom the rest of Europe can learn from in some way.

    Does membership place any demands or restrictions on the way our Barnahus works?

    No. You are free to work as you wish with whomever you wish.

    Who are the current members?

    We currently have a mix of ministries, government agencies, NGOs, academics, individuals, and other stakeholders. See our current list of members at:

    What is expected of members? How much time will it take?

    Your participation is what you make of it. There is the annual fee that is mandatory, and we have a general assembly where Full members and Developing members vote on the budget, the work plans, select steering group members, etc. Associate members may observe these meetings.

    We additionally host optional members only meetings, working groups, thematic exchange meetings. Same with the opportunity to develop projects with us, invite experts to speak, etc. There also is space for members to take the lead in various ways.

    Network members regularly receive requests to complete surveys or give input on a variety of subjects. Members are highly encouraged to respond.

    Members who have a particularly interesting experience or knowledge that the network would benefit from, we sometimes ask if you can join in a consultation or to present in a webinar, depending on availability and interest.

    Above all, one of the most wonderful things about the Barnahus Network is the enthusiasm and generosity of all our members in sharing about their challenges and successes. It has for sure been the number one factor that has accelerated progress in Europe for establishing Barnahus.

    What’s the difference between the membership levels?

    Please see the summary below. For more details please review the Network Statutes.

    Fee (calendar year)300 – 5000 EUR250 EUR
    Vote in General AssemblyYESNO (May observe GA)
    Representation on network steering groupYESNO

    When will we have an answer to our application?

    Applications are discussed in the Steering Group of the Network, which meets every quarter.

    Each application is scrutinised carefully according to the criteria for membership. We will contact you if we need more information.

    We endeavour to get back with an answer to your application as soon as we can. Delays in processing applications may happen due to holidays, illness, or organisational matters. Please feel free to submit new information, or to ask for an update. Thank you for your patience.

    Key documents

    About the network

    Applying for membership