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UN Special Rep. inspires Network
In this video, UN Special Representative on Violence Against Children Najat Maalla M’jid addresses the members…
Press review – December 2020
Where we highlight media mentions about Barnahus and similar setups around the world.
Survey: Mapping of Child Participation in Barnahus
Your responses to this survey will help us to identify potential methods and processes that can…
Survey: Procedural safeguards for child victims in the criminal proceedings at Barnahus
Building up our knowledge on measures for child victims in Barnahus.
Childhood-haus Berlin opens
Warmest congratulations to the newest service to open, Childhood-haus Berlin. Many impressive speakers joined the online…
Estonia opens 3rd Barnahus location
A third location of Barnahus in Estonia has been opened in Jõhvis. The inauguration was attended…
Barnahus in the news – Fall 2020
Presenting a summary of media mentions of Barnahus from the past few months: The draft law…
Barnahus is launched in Spain
The first Barnahus in Spain has been inaugurated in Tarragona (Catalonia).
Announcing the newest members of the PROMISE Barnahus Network – 2020
Announcing the newest members of the PROMISE Barnahus Network – 2020
The Lighthouse: A safe space for child sexual abuse victims in the UK
Watch this webinar to hear from all of the professional teams co-located at The Lighthouse about…
Mapping of European Barnahus 2020
The purpose of this survey is to develop a general overview of Barnahus and the national…