Poland has 4 Barnahus in operation, supported by a national network

With the work supported by regular network meetings and upcoming interagency monitoring meetings

The Polish Barnahus form a network coordinated by the Empowering Children Foundation. Two Barnahus are operated by the Empowering Children Foundation (Warsaw and Starogard, Gdanski) and two others are opreated by local NGO’s. Each Barnahus is supported by the Velux Foundation and local authorities, has funding secured for several years, and is committed to meeting the Barnahus Quality Standards

  1. Warsaw opened in April 2018 and is run by the Empowering Children Foundation.
  2. Starogard, Gdański opened in September 20187and is run by the Empowering Children Foundation.
  3. Głogów, located in South-Western Poland, opened in September 2018 and is run by the Association for Children and Young People CHANCE.
  4. Białystok, located in Eastern Poland, opened in October 2018 and is run by Association Klanza.

A Steering Committee has formed, including the presidents of the Empowering Children Foundation, Klanza and Chance, as these are the organizations that are network members and the coordinators of four Barnahus. They meet in person every three months and hold monthly skype meetings. The purpose of the regular online and in-person meetings are to discuss challenges and success stories related to the implementation of Barnahus Quality Standards, to share good practices, and to come up with solutions.

In 2019, inter-agency monitoring meetings will be held every 6 months. Representatives will include local partners from cooperating agencies and institutions, including social services, police, local authorities, courts, district prosecution offices. There they will talk about challenges and good practices from the Barnahus model implementation and interagency cooperation, and also about current issues related to the problem of child abuse at the local level.

The Empowering Children Foundation is a PROMISE 2 partner.