Shawnna von Blixen-Finecke
Compendium of Law & Guidance relevant for Barnahus
Providing a comprehensive overview of the legal framework and authoritative guidance concerning the rights of child…
Mapping of forensic medical interventions at Barnahus across Europe
A report compiling information from Barnahus about how they work with forensic medical examinations in the…
How Barnahus in Europe work with online sexual abuse
Providing a brief overview of available statistics of cases in Barnahus dealing with online sexual abuse…
Involving children in case management – experience and ideas from children and practitioners in Bulgaria
Drawing on consultations with children, practitioners and caregivers in Bulgaria, the publication includes checklists, which propose…
An interview with the Lighthouse: A safe space for child sexual abuse victims in the UK
Watch this webinar to hear from all of the professional teams co-located at The Lighthouse, London…
UN Special Rep. inspires Network
In this video, UN Special Representative on Violence Against Children Najat Maalla M’jid addresses the members…
Press review – December 2020
Where we highlight media mentions about Barnahus and similar setups around the world.
Survey: Mapping of Child Participation in Barnahus
Your responses to this survey will help us to identify potential methods and processes that can…
Survey: Procedural safeguards for child victims in the criminal proceedings at Barnahus
Building up our knowledge on measures for child victims in Barnahus.