Welcoming 18 new members in year one

The PROMISE Barnahus Network is a member-led organization which supports the establishment Barnahus and similar services throughout Europe. Joining as a member means making a commitment to working together and sharing experiences on the many possible ways to meet the Barnahus criteria and the Barnahus Quality Standards.

Each new member brings important experience and knowledge which enhances the Network’s ability to undertake this mission, and brings us closer to realising our vision.

We are thrilled, therefore, to have welcomed 18 new members to the Network during 2020. The PROMISE Barnahus Network now 31 total members who represent 22 countries.

In total, PROMISE currently engages with 36 national contexts, from which the Network is benefiting from existing expertise and/or where it is influencing national progress on Barnahus.

From the 2020 Annual Report of the PROMISE Barnahus Network