More is more – delivering on our plans in 2020

Despite the Covid-19 pandemic and all its restrictions, the support desk at the Network’s Secretariat was busy delivering more: more networking, more surveys, more new connections, more opportunities to collaborate, more decisions, more everything. Exactly what we promised in Helsinki when we signed the Statutes for the Network in November 2019.

As the eyes and ears of the Network, its Secretariat is also the support desk for Network members. So when we weren’t Zooming, we were consolidating all of the needs, wishes, and data from our members. Concrete results included establishing the child participation working group, holding preparatory meetings for future collaborations, and seeking out funding opportunities to be able to respond to the varied and dynamic needs of our membership. Several surveys were also completed, with results coming in early 2021.

The Network is anticipating the day when we can once again meet and inspire and person.

From the 2020 Annual Report of the PROMISE Barnahus Network