Romanian national roundtable focuses on the legal aspects surrounding child abuse cases

On 8 October 2018, a roundtable was organised in Romania where national and international experts presented best practices in the field of child protection with a focus on legal aspects surrounding child abuse cases. 60 professionals from the fields of child protection, health, justice took part.

The experts who presented included Romanian judges from the Bucharest Tribunal; Lana Peto Kujundzic, PhD,  from the Zagreb Tribunal in Croatia; Ms Maria Gorosch, Head of Unit at Barnahus Stockholm; Margrét Unnur Rögnvaldsdóttir, a Prosecutor representing Barnahus Iceland; and the Superior Councillor of the National Authority for Child Rights Protection and Adoption. 

Apart from sharing experience and building competencies, the roundtable supported the establishment of a partnership between Save the Children Romania and the Bucharest Tribunal, with the aim to further revise the legal framework around child hearings in court in line with the Barnahus Quality Standards.

The roundtable was orgnised by Save the Children Romania as part of the PROMISE 2 project, in partnership with the National Authority for Child Rights Protection and Adoption and the Bucharest National Tribunal.