We can support your work to develop your Barnahus’ medical services and support your team’s professional development by organising tailormade lectures, working group meetings or workshops on medical examinations in Barnahus.
Our sessions will support your work towards establishing Barnahus and meeting the Barnahus Quality Standards. According to the Barnahus Quality Standards, a medical evaluation is carried out to ensure a victim’s right to health and to secure forensic evidence for investigative purposes. As part of its medical services, a Barnahus or similar setup should also provide treatment and referrals to specialists as integral parts of its service.
Depending on your needs, we can offer online or offline sessions with top European experts – including paediatricians and medical forensic doctors, covering a wide range of topics.
See our medical webinar series for introductory information related to medical evaluations in Barnahus.
Who the course is for
- Professionals working with medical services for children inside and outside Barnahus
- Barnahus staff
What you will learn
Depending on your needs, you will learn more about, for example:
- Why medical evaluation is important for the wellbeing of children and the investigation,
- best practices for a multi-disciplinary cooperation which includes medical evaluation,
- the types of medical providers who should be available to the Barnahus and the additional training they may need,
- what a child-friendly exam room may look like,
- the process when a medical problem is detected that would otherwise would have gone unnoticed,
- recognizing child sexual abuse,
- child participation in the medical room,
- ensuring treatment and follow-up.
Format and length
Tailor-made according to your needs – online or offline
Variable. Often covered in part by project or other funding.
In most cases, our fee per day per expert is 500 EUR, plus travel and accommodation, or per diem, if relevant. We will work with you to design something to fit your budget.
Barnahus Network Members have subsidised or – when possible – free access to this type of support.
Our trainings are exclusively for organisations who have a role in Barnahus, either in setting one up or providing services. Network Members have priority access.
Individuals with a special role relating to Barnahus may be eligible on a case-by-case basis. We work with the Barnahus Network member from your country to assess your eligibility.
Additional eligibility requirements apply depending on the course.
Email network AT barnahus.eu to let us know:
- how many trainees you have who need this training in the context of Barnahus;
- by when you would like to have been trained;
- if you have funding to fast track the training, or want to be added to a waitlist.