Case management system – PROMISE Hub


The PROMISE Hub is a case management software, developed by Bonigi, and provided by the Barnahus Network that supports multidisciplinary case management in Barnahus. It provides Barnahus with a simple tool to:

  • record the daily events in each case, thereby providing a useful case management tool;
  • measure performance at each Barnahus, nationally, and internationally on progress towards meeting the PROMISE Barnahus Quality Standards;
  • collect comparable European data on violence against children and their interventions, which may be used to influence policy, law and practice.

Registered users have access to their Barnahus’ Hub at:  

Supporting documents

The Hub Guidance document provides information about data protection and key considerations for using PROMISE Hub in the appropriate and safest manner. It also provides a template user agreement.

The user guide is a manual for how to record data in the tool.

Technical walkthrough

This webinar is designed to help you evaluate the tool in its current state of development, and to learn about when and how to plan for bringing Hub to your Barnahus.

The newest version of this cloud-based system is ready for rollout in your country. Interested to use it in your service? Contact

The webinar covers:

  • The purpose of Hub
  • The results of a GDPR evaluation and guidance document for Hub
  • A presentation from Bonigi, the software development company, walking through the how to use the tool

The above has produced with co-funding from European Union. The contents herein are the sole responsibility of the respective project partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.