Safeguarding children is a key consideration for Barnahus, both in terms of how professionals work to safeguard the children who visit Barnahus, and in the context of the Network’s activities. Safeguarding means both preventative actions to minimize the chances of harm occurring, and responsive actions to ensure that incidents that may happen are appropriately handled. Safeguarding implies a wider duty of care towards children rather than just upholding their right to protection.
A series of 5 webinars explores child safeguarding in relation to practice in the “four rooms” of the Barnahus: Criminal Investigation, Child Protection, Mental Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing, all of which are embedded in multidisciplinary and interagency collaboration and case management. Each webinar features interviews with experts about the intersectionality of child safeguarding with the services provided and key recommendations as takeaways for the participants.
The webinars are hosted by the Child Protection Hub and are produced by Terre des Hommes, which is a partner of PROMISE 3 and a member of the PROMISE Barnahus Network.
Watch the webinars
Safeguarding measures in the context of casework Child Safeguarding in the Child Protection Room
Conversation with Par Stihl on child safeguarding in forensic interviewing room in Barnahus
Conversation with Aoife OMalley on practices of child participation and safeguarding in Tusla

The above has produced with co-funding from European Union. The contents herein are the sole responsibility of the respective project partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.