PROMISE 3 and Network – open call for partners and founding members

Editors note: In early 2019 we launched an open call for PROMISE 3 partners saught those who were ready to take advantage of the PROMISE 3 offerings, and who had an ambition to be founders of the PROMISE Barnahus Network. This is the text and webinar from that open call. While the number selected was limited, non-partners will receive invitations to take part in the activities of the project in exchange for moderate fees. Members of the PROMISE Barnahus Network have priority in our waitlist and pay lower or no training participation fees. Membership applications are accepted on a rolling basis. We hope that all of you will join us in some shape or form!

26 March 2019

Since 2015, a project partnership called PROMISE has accelerated the progress made across Europe in providing multidisciplinary services to child victims of violence.

This partnership is ultimately working towards establishing Barnahus as a standard practice in Europe by promoting multidisciplinary interventions for child victims and witnesses of violence, which are organized in a child-friendly setting and under one roof, to provide rapid access to justice and care.

A critical piece of this work has been bringing stakeholders together to share experiences and knowledge, and to jointly develop and commit to the Barnahus Quality Standards.

Looking to the future, a European approach will be essential for the continuity of capacity-building, advocacy, and provision of Barnahus and similar services at the national level. Current and upcoming European Barnahus operate under the same European legislation to protect victims and combat violence against children, in particular sexual violence. And even though local contexts may differ, countries experience similar opportunities and challenges in establishing and operating multidisciplinary interventions under one roof. The harmonisation and consolidation of good Barnahus practice across Europe is therefore an essential process to remain in place, supported by a competent and committed Barnahus workforce across Europe and an established peer-to-peer network.

PROMISE has always aimed to be inclusive, and to support to all interested services and stakeholders. In the next few years, we aim to expand the possibilities to be involved and get support, especially as new countries and services become engaged.

The first step will be another project, PROMISE 3, which invites Barnahus and similar services to receive university-level trainings and to take part in establishing European level support systems for Barnahus. The second step will be the formalization of the PROMISE Network, which will become a member-led platform for long-term, flexible support which is open to services and stakeholders alike.