Roundtable in West Hungary engaged police officers, prosecutors and judges about interviews at the Barnahus

On 15-16 November 2018 a roundtable for police officers, prosecutors and judges from 3 counties was held in the Western region of Hungary.

Maria Gorosh, Swedish police, and Alda Hronn Johansdottir, a prosecutor from Iceland, held a one-hour lecture on simultaneous interpretation and shared further expertise. Videos were also shown introducing the Barnahus in Iceland and Linköping, Sweden.

Mr. András Poór, a Hungarian police investigator who has been working at Barnahus Szombathely, also joined.

The two-day roundtable featured active dialogue on a number of topics, such as if the interview could be performed by either police or psychologists, since both must have long, specialised training. The roundtable participants agreed that today’s hidden code of conduct contains all the laws that would allow Barnahus to be used immediately. However, Barnahus is not formally described anywhere, which is something police, judges and prosecutors expect.

Participants from the roundtable made a site visit to Barnahus Szombathely, and also met with the Barnahus National Knowledge Center Research Group who presented the NOLDUS program.

The roundtable was organised by Barnahus Szombathely as part of the PROMISE 2 project.