On 29 September 2017, the PROMISE project held a webinar which highlighted advocacy tools for promoting the Barnahus model, and briefly introduced the outreach and national level technical support planned for PROMISE 2.
The webinar outlined the aims of PROMISE 2, which is to foster national level commitment towards the Barnahus model, especially from the judicial sector, and enhance understanding of Barnahus functions. Activities will include roundtables, national and regional roadmaps, and staff training. Importantly, child perspectives will be integrated.
PROMISE’s vision centres on four pillars fundamental to children’s rights: child participation, inter-agency collaboration, comprehensive and accessible services, and high professional standards including specialised staffing. The webinar highlighted calls to action based on these pillars, with goals including policy reform, legislative change, resource allocation, and awareness raising, all adaptable to varied contexts.
The webinar also emphasised the significance of robust advocacy in advancing the Barnahus model. Strategies discussed included tailoring the approach to the national context, raising public awareness about children’s rights and the effects of violence, fostering inter-agency cooperation, and advocating for policy reforms and resources for collaborative action.
The audience was encouraged to actively partner in disseminating the Barnahus model, furthering its adoption.

The above has produced with co-funding from European Union. The contents herein are the sole responsibility of the respective project partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.