Nearly every professional exchange during PROMISE 2015-2017 featured a keynote presentation from the man who needs no introduction. Bragi Guðbrandsson, head of the Icelandic Government Agency for Child Protection, is the initiator and purveyor of the Barnahus model. If you’re not sure what a Barnahus is, why your country needs one, or if the model will work in your country, then look no further. In this webinar, Mr. Guðbrandsson will reflect on the why, the how, and the “what’s next?” of the establishment of the Icelandic Barnahus 20 years ago and its expansion throughout Europe and beyond – a process in which he himself has played an instrumental role.
Bragi Guðbrandsson, former head of the Icelandic Government Agency for Child Protection, is the initiator and purveyor of the Barnahus model.
The PROMISE Webinar Series is co-organised with Terre des Hommes, a partner of this project, as part of the ChildHub’s child protection webinar series.

The above has produced with co-funding from European Union. The contents herein are the sole responsibility of the respective project partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.