Sign up for our course waitlist
Due to high demand for the PROMISE courses, we are introducing a way for you to easily sign up to the waitlists.
Due to high demand for the PROMISE courses, we are introducing a way for you to easily sign up to the waitlists.
A series of 5 webinars is being organised to explore child safeguarding in relation to practice in the “four rooms” of the Barnahus.
Ensuring the rights of child victims of violence to justice, protection, and recovery in Bulgaria by supporting multidisciplinary and interagency services.
The Hub will be based on an existing tool in use by 8 Barnahus in Sweden. It will automatically collect de-personalised, comparable European data on violence against children and track performance. Tracking daily events in each case will provide a useful case management tool, and key information collected by integrating the child consultation module may be used to influence policy, law and practice.